AP2 Club Head

Follow Thread

By David L

  • 3 Replies
  1. David L

    David L
    fort collins, CO

    Hi, I just bought my AP2's last year and the club head is becoming detached from the rubber piece. It is not flush anymore on a couple of my clubs. I'm worried that the club head might break off. Should I take them back int to golfsmith? I haven't shopped there in a while and won't in the future, but is this my only option? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks, David
  2. Tony C

    Tony C
    Vadnais Heights, MN

    It sounds to me like the ferrule (plastic piece)is moving up on the shaft. To fix this all you would need to do is twist the ferrule softly and with a little force it should slide back flush. In the case the club head would happen to fly off then contact the retailer you purchased them through for more information.
  3. Cath D.

    Cath D.
    Carlsbad, CA

    Hi David, If it is the ferrule that is moving up the shaft, the clubhead will not come off, but it is something that we would like to remedy. You can take it to any pro shop and have them set up a Warranty repair.
  4. David L

    David L
    fort collins, CO

    Okay, thank you very much.

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