June 12, 2014 At 08:27 AM By Fred T
tdogg21Chambersburg, PA
I'm not an expert on value, but I don't think the grip will hurt the value much. That is something that can be changed quickly and easily without harming the club. If you're worried about value, using it will hurt the value much more than the grip.
Curtis Mmoline, IL
I wouldn't worry too much about the value even though the grip will most likely not change the value much. Put a grip on that you like, and putt well with!
Chris SDubuque, IA
Hi Fred,
I agree with tdogg and Curtis. The grip is not going to have an affect on value. You can always order a new Cameron grip if you want to change it back to the original style.
Chris S
Cliff S
I put a Superstroke flat grip on my Golo, and they were able to take the Scotty grip off without hurting it. They said they could put it back on for me for $3 if I didn't like the new grip. I've been making way more puts with the new grip, so I don't see that heppening anytime soon though.
memphisunitedMemphis, TN
I agree with Cliff. Just pull the Cameron grip and keep it.
Don OMadison, WI
Fred T
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Andrew ACharlotte, NC
There are number of places that have a tool to remove the current grip without damaging it so you can go back to the original grip at any point.
james wjessup, PA
you loose value after you paid for it !!
James BSan Antonio, TX
Put the grip that works for you. I actually have to take my putter in for a new grip too :-)
Douglas G
June 12, 2014 At 08:27 AM
I just purchased a new Scotty Cameron putter and wish to change the grip to a fatter grip like the Super Stroke grips. Does Titleist have these grips with the Scotty Cameron name on them? I understand that if I put just any grip on it the club loses its value, is this true? Thanks Fred
Cath D.Carlsbad, CA
We now offer a Cameron Matador oversize grip as well as the Matador midsize grip.
Fred TI just purchased a new Scotty Cameron putter and wish to change the grip to a fatter grip like the Super Stroke grips. Does Titleist have these grips with the Scotty Cameron name on them? I understand that if I put just any grip on it the club loses its value, is this true? Thanks Fred
Ski & Tee DavePhiladelphia, PA
Fred, the matadors are $37 and you can order the grips from ScottyCameron.com or you can send your putter into the Scotty Cameron Custom Shop to have a new grip put on. Be careful with the custom shop since there are a ton of sweet accessories you can get. The matador grips are all really good and I like the XL grip better than the SS3.0 I had previously.
Bomber3Lake St Louis, MO
Prices are listed here along with a description of each grip.
andy rCheshire, CT
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