December 21, 2014 At 09:35 AM By Tryn T
Tryn TLebanon, MO
Was wanting to know how i can get a team Titleist bag tag?
Kent KSalem, SC
Ponn Mogden, UT
How do you order a bag tag for a hole in one? Happy Holidays!!
Thank you, Brian
zubair k
Tyson FLiberty, IN
If your talking about this Team Titleist bag tag, just participate in discussions, fill out your profile completely, and enjoy the online community. Then, one day, a surprise package will show in mail. Mine came with a lanyard and a couple stickers as well. Good luck, I'm sure you will get one when you least expect it, which is always nice.
Nathan SFitchburg, WI
The most common question on the forum. The best way is to be active and get noticed. The TT powers that be will notice and get one out to you. Contribute to TT and you will be rewarded!!
Good luck and keep it in the short stuff!
James GWaukesha, WI
JaggzKeller, TX
Mike D., Titleist StaffAshland, MA
December 21, 2014 At 09:35 AM
Thanks for the post. If you live in the U.S., visit the link below, fill out the form and we'll send you a bag tag (while supplies last).
Andrew ACharlotte, NC
The Hole-in-One bag tag can be completed by editing your profile. Below is a screenshot on where this can be found.
CoolbreezeSudbury, MA
Can these bag tags be customized with our name? I imagine once we have a tag we can get it etched with our name!
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Davis LLafayette, CO
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