September 09, 2016 At 08:40 PM By Bob T
Bob TEast Otis, MA
If you were playing an opponent in a tournament and their ball was on a tree root, would you tell them to go ahead and move it off the root so they don't hurt themself. I've done this a few times no matter how I have stood in the match.
SpezzaSummerside, PE
Darron KFate, TX
James CBraintree, MA
No'lPalmdale, CA
Todd SBeavercreek, OH
MrPizzleAbingdon, MD
September 12, 2016 At 07:07 PM
Having been the guy who wasn't allowed to move the ball, you rules guys stink! Lol. I thought I was far enough from the tree but more of the root was just under the grass. When I hit down the club stopped, shaft snapped, and the back of my hand popped. Shortly after I had a hand that looked like a catchers mit and had to quit after 2 holes. Golf season over, baseball season over, and worst yet BBQ season was delayed! Yes, the rules say play it as it is but let's be gentlemen please.
September 13, 2016 At 10:49 AM
Dave NDade City, FL
Todd TSan Diego, CA
Dino JBurnaby, BC
Andrew ACharlotte, NC
Carl TLittle Rock, AR
Gary DCranston, RI
Jim G
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