Ball on tree root.

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By Bob T

  • 17 Replies
  1. Bob T

    Bob T
    East Otis, MA

    If you were playing an opponent in a tournament and their ball was on a tree root, would you tell them to go ahead and move it off the root so they don't hurt themself. I've done this a few times no matter how I have stood in the match.

  2. Spezza

    Summerside, PE

    good question,
    I would like to say i would,
    however no I wouldn't, have options they can easily pitch/chip it back into play without hurting themselves or they can take a drop if they wish. there is lots of other weird lies that you can get where you can be hurt as well and if they are in a tourney then they need to make that decision and move on.
  3. Darron K

    Darron K
    Fate, TX

    Golf is the closest game to the game we call life. You get bad breaks from good shots; you get good breaks from bad shots, but you have to play the ball where it lies. -Bobby Jones
  4. James C

    James C
    Braintree, MA

    No I would not, your opponent has other choices such as taking an unplayable lie. Do you also give them relief from a buried lie in a bunker or relief from a deep divot in the middle of the fairway? Both situations where they may hurt themselves trying to play the shot.
  5. DV


    Bob T

    USGA Rule 1-3 Agreement to Waive rule says you are both disqualified from the competition. This is no different then giving someone a mulligan or conceding a putt in stroke play. When you start breaking the rules in a competition you are taking away from the spirit of the game and competition. If you cannot comply with the rules then you should not be playing in the competition.

  6. No'l

    Palmdale, CA

    Our course is an old course and there are a couple spots we're all careful about the roots. No one wants to see anyone gets hurt, and a few of us had had some injuries because of roots, so among us guys, we've agreed among us that we'll be doing this, prior to our little matches- it's okay to bump it out of the roots within reason. This was a condition we all agreed in our little casual golf days, but official days or tournament days are tournament days and there are no reliefs.
  7. Darron K

    Darron K
    Fate, TX

    As I quoted Bobby Jones earlier. Here is a shot of me hitting next to a tree and a shot of where I had to just hit it lateral and the ball was against the tree. Play it where it lies.
    Post Image
    Post Image
  8. Todd S

    Todd S
    Beavercreek, OH

    Tournament no! Any other round even leauge play. Yes
  9. MrPizzle

    Abingdon, MD

    Having been the guy who wasn't allowed to move the ball, you rules guys stink! Lol. I thought I was far enough from the tree but more of the root was just under the grass. When I hit down the club stopped, shaft snapped, and the back of my hand popped. Shortly after I had a hand that looked like a catchers mit and had to quit after 2 holes. Golf season over, baseball season over, and worst yet BBQ season was delayed! Yes, the rules say play it as it is but let's be gentlemen please.
  10. DV


    MrPizzle said:

    Having been the guy who wasn't allowed to move the ball, you rules guys stink! Lol. I thought I was far enough from the tree but more of the root was just under the grass. When I hit down the club stopped, shaft snapped, and the back of my hand popped. Shortly after I had a hand that looked like a catchers mit and had to quit after 2 holes. Golf season over, baseball season over, and worst yet BBQ season was delayed! Yes, the rules say play it as it is but let's be gentlemen please.

    Sorry Mr P, in support of us "rule guys/gals" I don't buy your argument. You could have easily putted or chipped the ball away from the tree and no harm would have been done. This game is also a mental game. Many times you need to use your nogging to work the ball through and around the golf course and not your brawn.

  11. MrPizzle

    Abingdon, MD


    Having been the guy who wasn't allowed to move the ball, you rules guys stink! Lol. I thought I was far enough from the tree but more of the root was just under the grass. When I hit down the club stopped, shaft snapped, and the back of my hand popped. Shortly after I had a hand that looked like a catchers mit and had to quit after 2 holes. Golf season over, baseball season over, and worst yet BBQ season was delayed! Yes, the rules say play it as it is but let's be gentlemen please.

    "Brawn?" Clearly you haven't seen me! Lol I was trying to just chip it out but got a bit steep, haven't been playing all that long at the time so my swing wasn't the thing of beauty it is now. (Sarcasm)
    Trust me, I play the smart way all the time in fact I would say the mental aspect is the best part of my game. I could throw a snowman on a par 3 and you'd never know it by my reactions. Same goes for great shots, I stay focused on the long term and never ever want to beat myself by making a bad swing or decision.
    Wow totally forgot where I was going with that but it does bring up an interesting topic, what's the worst temper tantrum you've seen on the course? I may start that thread. Have fun Guys.
  12. Dave N

    Dave N
    Dade City, FL

    If money is on the line, No. Another time yes within reason.
  13. Todd T

    Todd T
    San Diego, CA

    Suck it up and pitch it out to avoid injury, or even worse, damaging a club.
  14. Dino J

    Dino J
    Burnaby, BC

    Hi everyone -- I think the key point in the discussion is that it was a "tournament" or some form of Official Competition. That being said, then the "rules guys" are right - play it where it lies. It is not nice, but it is golf.

    That being said, a casual round or even an informal match between two friends is another matter. For me, it falls into the "who cares" category -- I'm the only one who gets hurt in a friendly match if my opponent makes a great shot, etc.

  15. Andrew A

    Andrew A
    Charlotte, NC

    Club tournament, maybe. USGA or some associated sanctioned event, no.
    Local club weekend game, ABSOLUTELY!!!
  16. Carl T

    Carl T
    Little Rock, AR

    No. I would not tell him anything. He can play it as it lies or take a one stroke penalty and use the unplayable ball rule.
  17. Gary D

    Gary D
    Cranston, RI

    If I was a Pro playing for millions of dollars I would say, "Play it as it lies". But I'm not a Pro and not playing for millions of dollars. I will always tell the person, "Don't hurt yourself or your equipment, move the ball off the root or rock or whatever". First and foremost, golf is a game. Enjoy it.
  18. No, as I would not expect relief if I were in the same situation. This is the type of thing that makes good players not want to play in tournaments. Casual round, sure no point in risking injury or a broken club. Tournament, no other people have paid an entry fee and expect everyone to be honest and play by the rules.

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