Loyalty Rewarded

Follow Thread

By JasonL

  • 17 Replies
  1. In the last few days I have received both my awesome Pink ProV1s as well as this pleasant surprise. So happy to be a member of Team Titleist. Top of the line rewards are the icing on the cake.

    Post Image
  2. Joshua B

    Joshua B

    Nice congrats?
  3. Darren B

    Darren B
    Stuart, VA

    I had a pleasant surprise yesterday also. Thanks Team Titleist!
    Post Image
  4. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Cathi takes care of TT loyalists. She is alright in my book.
  5. Yes! Cathi does rock! She was the one who sent me my TT tag as well...
  6. No doubt that membership in TT has its privileges!!!!
  7. No doubt that membership in Team Titleist has its privileges!!!!
  8. I love the handwritten notes. Definitely adds a personal touch!
  9. Titleist Fan 179

    Titleist Fan 179
    Middleburg hts, OH

    Jealous ;)
  10. gary h

    gary h
    Torrance, CA

    I'd rather be driving a Titleist too ;)
  11. etakmit

    Rochester, NY

    Love it!
  12. golfinnut

    Leesburg, VA

    I see they picked the sticker that I liked! Awesome ... now I just need to get my hands on one.
  13. greg p

    greg p
    Chicago 'burbs, IL

    chris b said:

    I see they picked the sticker that I liked! Awesome ... now I just need to get my hands on one.

    That was last year's sticker, Chris. Check your local pro shop. They might have some.
  14. cool
  15. Jay H

    Jay H
    Lexington, SC

    Nice touch on the sticker and handwritten note! Ordering pink numbers for my daughter as a surprise for her 13th birthday.
  16. Cavin Poh

    Cavin Poh

    Nice and congrats, this will never happen in my geographical region.
  17. Todd A

    Todd A
    Fort Myers,FL

    that would definitely but a great addition to any bag!!
  18. A few years ago I received a hand written note from the T.T. staff. I still have it. It does make you feel "special". They are TOP SHELF!!!

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