August 15, 2010 At 03:50 PM By sas
sasgeneva, 0
hi there
can you tell where can i buy on the web some tour sticks/ alignment sticks?
PS: Titleist can you please make some for every one not only for PGA pros.
eagle3Fairfax, IA
You don't have to go on the web. They are driveway markers and can be bought at Menards, Home Depot or some other hardware outlet store. Most of them carry these fiberglass rods. I got mine at a Menards and they were only around $3.00 each.
Geoffrey BCelina, OH
Exactly what I did
Cath D.Carlsbad, CA
At this time, only Tour has had these made up and we don't have any available for sale. There are several sites on the the web that do sell alignment sticks and/or you can get a generic alignment stick at some of the big home improvement stores.
Bob MFrankfort, IL
If you want to spend the $$$ try toursticks
Harry LSan Antonio, TX
Just to reiterate, the yellow and orange ones you see in the pros' bags are driveway markers that can be found at Lowes in the mailbox numbers aisle for around $1.50/each. No reason to pay for the ones labeled as "golf sticks" and selling at 2 for $15 (or more) because they are the same thing, just in different colors and packaged up fancy.
August 23, 2010 At 03:07 AM
KCLeonardGolfSan Diego, CA
Some of them are worth the extra money as some are made shatter proof. So if you do hit them the wont splitter are cause injury. I saw at the range and a guy was using the Lowes stick and hit it and it broke and stuck in his buddies leg. I know its a freak accident but it make me go buy the ones from because they are shatter proof.
Kris MSun City, CA
way freak i have hit my lowes sticks a couple times and there are no signs of cracks and fiberglass is fiberglass and the piont of aliment sticks arent to hit them haha
HotsauceGeorgetown MA
I use driveway markers as well. They arn't shatter proof, and that's crazy about that injury, but I've hit them a couple of times without problems. There's tons of good drills for them. I also use them to keep my headcovers clean when on the course. They work great, and are definitely worth the 6 bucks for the pair. I doubt I would pay for the golf specific ones, but you never know...
James BSan Antonio, TX
WOW , thanks ! I didn't know they had them at home depot , I am going to get some ......
ya and they are 1.27 at lowes
that stinks im going to shell out cash for safety
Someday-HIOAlbany, NY
I picked some toursticks on ebay for 4 dollars and I love them. I use them almost every time I go to the range. And I havent had any problems with them cracking like the lowes ones, that is crazy.
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