Oh no, its March

Follow Thread

By Quintin H

  • 18 Replies
  1. Quintin H

    Quintin H
    Morehead, KY

    That means I've only got 2 weeks to get my game in shape before I have to play by the rules and report scores, as it stands right now I can see a rise in the hcp.

    I get to play today, supposed to be 50* and no rain. But today is the only day this week I can get out, 1 week gone, 1 week left. And the range is still closed.

    I haven't been playing with my 962's but they are back in the bag. Sunday I finally put the sensicore in and put on some Avon full cord grips.

    I still haven't decided on the 907D1 or D2, D1 sets up like the 983K, D2 is easier to hit a fade and it sounds better, D2 is in the bag today.

    Of course LCP is in effect, and will be until the cart rules are gone. When the cart rules are gone that means the mud is mostly gone and they can mow the fairways.

    I'm playing the 906f2 13*, and I'm giving a 4 wood another chance, I am using a 23* 7 wood, last week I hit a 210 uphill to reach a par5 in 2, so my irons are 4-PW, with 2 wedges (56,60).

    I also switched putters, I expect the greens to be slower for awhile and this putter gives me a little more umph to the putt.

  2. Tim Tiger

    Tim Tiger
    Tucson, AZ

    Any playing time is a bonus right now.  We have been blessed with weather in the 70's here in Oklahoma.  Still have to fight the wind, but thats a given.

    Good luck on getting ready for the upcoming season.  

  3. memphisunited

    Memphis, TN

    I'm hoping that eveyone is about to turn the corner on the weather.  I've been lucky enough to play several weekends in row.  Windy, but not cold...I'll take it.

  4. Sammy R

    Sammy R
    Baton Rouge, LA

    I've played about 25 rounds so for this year. Gotta love the South!!!!

  5. Hotsauce

    Georgetown MA

    Oh no, it's March?  More like OH YES IT'S MARCH!  Home to college hoops and St. Paddy's day.

    I've been putting on the carpet and hitting beat x outs off a mat into a pile of snow.  I can't wait till this melts and I can actually start playing some real golf.  If my Hcp rises in the early season, I'll just work on dropping her back down.  The only thing better than March is April.


  6. chris d

    chris d
    butler, PA

    I hear ya Thank Goodness it's March!  I can't wait to get out there and start playing some golf again it's been a looooooong winter!  Cause not only am I dying to get out now I have to listen to my son complain about not golfing (which is kinda cool) 

    Good Luck


  7. We're currently in SC but will going back to OH by Mid-April. I know exactly what you guys are talking about...golf and this time of year thing.

  8. DANNY

    Huntington Station, NY

    I hate the winter. But I love New York. So, yeah, TGIM... Thank God It's March. 2 more weeks and "Game On"!

  9. James B

    James B
    San Antonio, TX

    Sweet, Game on ........

  10. Quintin H

    Quintin H
    Morehead, KY

    According to the schedule my next time off will be Monday and Tuesday, but yesterday it was soooooo darn nice and I have another guy doing my job this week(thru Friday, he's in his 4th week of training), so it was extra terrible. I was walking around looking for things to pick up and sweep, look outside and see the sunshine, walk outside and a sweatshirt is too much, so I went to the boss and got off today and tomorrow. Today is supposed to me nicer than yesterday(friday it's supposed to rain), at 5am its 34*.

    Hopefully I can keep up 11GIR, but also be able to putt.

  11. Quintin H

    Quintin H
    Morehead, KY

    Well, weather.com missed it pretty bad, it was cold and windy. But we weren't going to miss a chance to be on the course.

    I had some lofty goals for today, 9 fairways 11 greens, no doubles, and putt better.

    I didn't fulfill all of these goals. I did hit 10 fairways, I missed 1 with a hook, 2 hitting off the heel and getting a high fade, 1 with a monster 3 wood hook....ob, 3 wood 50%, 5 wood 1 for 1. So 8 of 11 with driver. But really, how can you miss a bunch of fairways with a 907D1, I'm really liking this driver.

    11 greens, nope, about half, 6 GIR, I can live with 6.

    No doubles, right, that one went on the first hole, then again on the second, 4th 5th 8th and a triple on dreaded 13.

    Putt better, well I did putt better, not real good but it was better. Had 1-3 putt, 4-1 putts(1 birdie), 33 total.

    Today my irons weren't working well and my short game wasn't very good, putting wasn't quite up to standard.


    I wish it would warm up, I'm tired of cold weather golf



  12. Quintin H

    Quintin H
    Morehead, KY

    Well yesterday weather.com missed it again, we got the weather that we were supposed to get Thursday.

    1 3 wood middle, 4i right of green, chip, 1 putt

    2 Driver middle, 5i missed right, chip(bad), 2 putt bogey

    3 Driver left fairway(desired), 904F17*steel(4w) way left, PW to green, 2 putt par

    4. 4i little long left, pitch(hole on right side), 1 putt

    5. 3w middle, 7w middle, PW 100y pulled left(argh), chip, 1 putt par

    6(easiest hole) 4w right fairway(desired), PW missed short left, chip(bad), 2 putt bogey

    7 Driver way right hit tree right fairway, 7w short left(first not good shot with this club), pitch, 2 putt bogey

    8 7i missed left, pitch, 2 putt bogey

    9 Driver missed right, 9i missed short, pitch 1 putt

    Front 5 fairways(not counting 7 as a fairway hit) hole 9 good miss. 1 green(argh, but most were close), 14 putts - 2 should have been made, no doubles. Looking good.

    10 4w missed right, 7w nice, 2 putt par

    11 Driver left fairway(desired), 7w, PW pulled left bounced on, 2 putt par

    12 7i little long then we get a visitor that has a story to tell, and tell and tell, after about 1/2hr I said we got to go finish this hole so we can let this guy coming up 11 play thru on 13 and drove off, up by the green he's still talking, pitch tapin par.

    13 He finally finishes the story and the guy behind us has moved on. Driver way right, pitch out, 5i shank behind trees, 5i pitch to right of green, pitch putt double

    14 Driver hook in the water, 5i long, pitch, 2 putt double

    15 Driver push hit tree short and right, 5i long on green, 3 putt bogey

    16, 6i green, 2putt

    17 4w fat short right bad stance, 4w topped to center of fairway 200y, 4w landed on green bounced over back bunker, pitch 1 putt bogey.

    18 Driver missed right(ok), 4w short, pitch, 2 putt par.

    Back, 1 fairway(6 total), 5 greens(6 total), 2 doubles, 2 bogeys, 16 putts (30 total) 1 bad putt second on 15

    82 not bad, Monday and Tuesday is supposed to be nice, of course weather.com hasn't been too good lately.

  13. Quintin H

    Quintin H
    Morehead, KY

    Went out yesterday, hopefully today too. Played the back yesterday with 2 guys playing the front, I usually play whatever tee but I had my mind set on playing the back, its supposed to warm up nicely.

    1 3w missed short right ok, 7w short left can just see the flag, nice pitch up, 2 putt

    2 Driver missed short left, 3w into trees on right can see front of green(hole is in the front)ok, pitch to very front, 2 putt

    3 Driver short fairway, 4w left fairway, PW on green, 2 putt par

    4 3w short of green, pitch up, 2 putt

    5 Driver about 20 yards into fairway, 7w right fairway, 8i to 3 ft, 1 putt birdie.

    6 3w right fairway, 9i middle green, 2 putt

    7 Driver missed left, 4w hook around trees short of green, here stupidity comes to play, 10-15y off the green another 15 to the hole grab my SW and putter look at the shot think this is a standard pitch I should use my PW, no I'll just use the SW about 20ft short, 2 putt.

    8 7w hit the far bank rolls back into the water, pitch about 20ft passed the hole, 1 putt.

    9 Driver fairway, 4i short right, about 15y to green another 15 to hole, PW hole it for birdie.

    39, hole 1 first putt was a lip out, 2 about 1/2 inch short, 4 1/2 inch right, 7 3 inches short, score could have been better if my putting was just a little better, but then of course it was just luck I pulled off a bogey on 8, and I was lucky to have a shot at the green on hole 2. Hole 6 we noticed the temp dropping and wind picking up.

    Now the fun side, the back is my favorite, I did 39 on the front playing the back I should break 80, right.

    10 3w missed right tree hooked, 4i overcooked fade, pitch short, pitch on, 2 putt double

    11 Driver sounded good felt good looked good missed fairway short, 3w fairway 180 out, 7w way short, pitch on 2 putt bogey

    12 5i way right, blade across, pitch up, 2 putt double

    13 Driver fairway left(desired) but short, 3w left of green, pitch up short, blade across, 2 putt double

    14 3w missed left(ok), 5i center of green, 3 putt bogey

    15 Driver push, unplayable drop, 4w on the green, 2 putt bogey

    16 4i on green, 2 putt

    17 Driver right side, 7w to green, 2 putt

    18 Driver hooked, 3w attempt to keep it low and go between trees hit a limb kicked out about 200 to green, 3w way short, pitch up 2 putt bogey.

    46 on the back, 85 works out to be about 9 index which is good but I'd be happier if it were 42-43 or even 41-44 but 39-46 and the 46 is on the easiest side.

    On the back a couple college players started behind us on 10, on 15 we were on the green and 1 teed off, the ball landed about 75 yards out, on 17 I hit another good drive but like they have been all day it was short, 1 guy mentioned how the ball doesn't fly as far in this weather, I said tell it to that guy behind us his drive landed about 300y. Wonder what he could do if it was warm and the course was dry. Of course these college players use ProV's all year and I'm sure that makes a difference, I use "any ball". I bought a bunch of deep distance to use this winter, but first I was going to use up all my used scrap balls, but play has been limited and I can't seem to lose them. So today I'm breaking open a dz deep distance, maybe they will fly farther.

    Supposed to reach 60 today, was supposed to reach 50 yesterday(never happened).

  14. Quintin H

    Quintin H
    Morehead, KY

    Started off today I forgot to get the new balls out. And I guess that's a good thing, I'd hate to hit new balls this bad. For the day I had 2 good shots, off the tee on hole 1 and tee shot off par 3 hole 8(a birdie), I simply can't think of any other good shots. No long putts made, plenty of short putts missed. Short game was ok, its been better and worse.

    45-45 doubles all over the place, lots of in the woods. On the bright side I did get plenty of practice on my recovery shots. I had no control, now I know how you can miss a bunch of fairways with a 907D1. I couldn't get my swing going in the right direction, I couldn't get the clubface pointed in the right direction and this could be opened or closed.

    Actually 90 is an amazing score.

  15. Quintin H

    Quintin H
    Morehead, KY

    After that poor showing Tuesday I couldn't take it, not going out to the course. So I went out today, its cold and raining, but I don't care I have to fix the problem.

    I think part of the problem was the balls I was using, Refinished variety ProV1's, advertised by the refinisher as ****PRACTICE***** some may be good enough to go in your bag. I got these back last year and forgot why I quit using them, they go everywhere. This may explain why I had no control on full swing shots, short game was ok, putting was really bad.

    I got out the balls had planned on using before but forgot to get them out.I knew it might take a little to overcome all the changes I made Tuesday trying to figure out how to control the ball.

    Of course, at times I hit a couple of balls.

    1 3w line drive short of fairway(straight)(second pulled in trees left, 3rd pushed in trees right), 4w hook around the trees about 20y short of green, pitch to about 8ft, made the putt(my putting confidence is back after 1 putt)

    2 Driver right and short hit tree out in fairway(second was nearly identical, 3rd was big slice), 5i dead straight wrong direction, missed hole high about 5y right of green, pitch to about 6 ft make the putt.

    3 Driver down left side(desired) this more like it, 3w to about 40y(a bit short), SW to about 15ft 2 putt (second was a tap in)

    9 Driver left side rough on a mound, ball about knee high and on an uphill slope about 140, 5i choked down to bottom of grip, face opened, swing along the slope and ball goes waaay up in the air, hit the green about 25ft 2 putt, second about 6 inches.

    Done, hands frozen, good thing I started before it got cold, been getting colder all day. Supposed to snow tonight then warm up tomorrow afternoon. But at least now I know I can hit the ball, I'll make it until the next time I can get out.

  16. Hotsauce

    Georgetown MA

    This month's issue of Golf Mag had some sweet practice games.  I really like to mix it up and hit clubs once and then hit another shot.  Unless I'm working on something specifically I just see how many times I can "my shot". 

    I'll pick a fairway, green, chip, and then go back to a fairway but with a 3 wood or hybrid and just see how I do.  It keeps me competitive and keeps me from hitting the same shot over and over again.

  17. Quintin H

    Quintin H
    Morehead, KY

    It is beautiful outside right now, 52* sun shinning. I have been going out and playing 1,2,3,9 and doing pretty good(hit a few extra shots), today it 45* when I left the house, it was nice.

    1 3w middle, 5i 2ft short of green, chip 2 inches putt for par

    2 Driver missed right(ok), 8i to 6ft, putt, birdie

    3 Driver left side(desired), 3w missed green left and a little long, pitch, 2 putt

    4 6i short, pitch, putt, par

    5 Driver right side(ok), 3w 70y, PW about 25ft, 2 putt par

    6 Driver right side(desired) to 100y, PW about 6 ft, miss read 2 putt par

    7 Drier right side(desired) to 125y, 9i about 10ft, 2 putt par

    8 5i long, pitch to about 6 ft, putt par

    9 Driver middle 130y uphill, 8i 12ft, 2 putt par

    6 of 7 fairways, 6 greens, 14 putts for a 1 under

    Whoopie, now if I can just keep it going for tomorrow and my first round for hcp.

    I would've played 18 today but sometimes work just gets in the way.

    I hit the 907D2 better than I have hit it before, of course it is warmer than it has been before.

    I took out my 906F2 13* because it's just to hard for this time of year, I put in 906F4 15.5* and I had my 904F for comparison, I didn't hit the 904F because I hit the other pretty darn good.

    I was playing 12 clubs today 4-PW, SW, LW, driver, 3w, putter. I have coming soon 17 and 21* 585.h should fit nicely.

  18. Quintin H

    Quintin H
    Morehead, KY

    Here is a couple stats I want to keep going for the year(forever), 9 fairways, 11 greens

    I guess putting my 962's back in the bag was a plus

    The sensicore is an amazing improvement.

    I'm still liking my 7 wood, I don't think the 4 wood has a home, back to the 904F.

    I tried switching putters, poor choice, 37 putts, 3-3 putts, several 2 putts that should have been 1 putts. Just kept pulling the putts, and I started hitting off the heel. The greens rolled ok, gotta blame the putter.

    Wedges were about 50%, the putter just didn't back up the wedge.

    Even though I hit 9 fairways I wasn't real happy with the driver, couldn't seem to make good solid contact, distance wasn't good. I think the D1 goes back in the bag until it warms up. May have to find a D1 with a stiff shaft. I've gotten use to awful noise it makes.

    So I scored 43-38, I was happy with 43 no doubles, I am even happier with the 38.

    Didn't reach any par5 in 2, but my approaches were pitches. This isn't real good playing the middle tees.

    Now I've got my swing going good enough,  now it will be another week break before I can get out again.

  19. Deno

    New Jersey



    I also play the Sensicore shafts.  695MB/CB combo.  This is my first set with S400 Sensicore.   They are a great improvement, Especially in the 2,3,4 irons. 

    Have a great season


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