Just a simple Thank You to Titleist!!

Follow Thread

By Dave K 21

  • 8 Replies
  1. Dave K 21

    Dave K 21
    Port Saint Lucie, FL

     My name is Dave Keller I have been a member of team Titleist for a little bit now and during the time I have gotten Demo balls , and I have gotten 2 sleeves of the New ProV1 and the New ProV1x. I am a strong supporter of Titleist and have been for a very long time and will be as far as I can see. Honestly I'm a Titleist dork, I have your Banner " This is Titleist Country" hanging overhead in my man cave, sorry only the man cave, that's all I could get the wife to agree on, but its a start, I wanted it over the front door, she said if it goes up, she leaves , I thought long and hard on that one but can not afford to pay for the house alone , since she will be getting half of what I have. So anyways I want to Thank you for your aprecation to you followers, myself in general. I play Titleist straight through the bag, including the bag. Sorry play another company's tour glove it just fits better.Sorry again on that one. I just want to say Thank You for involving me in your tests and will always be happy to help out in anyway I can again.When I got the test ball I was like wow this is cool. then the letter with the 2 sleeves of ProV's was a nice gift to open. Once again Thank You for what you do.

    Dave Keller

    P.S. I used to have an all white towel with TITLEIST stitched across it in black, if you have any of those left please let me know how I can get one, Thanks again Dave Keller

  2. Ryan Crysler

    Ryan Crysler
    West Palm Beach, FL

    I'm glad players like you have a chance to post here at Team Titleist! 


    choccolocco, AL

    man thats awesome i have a titleist banner hanging over my bed in my barraks room glad to know im not the only one.

  4. Tim Tiger

    Tim Tiger
    Tucson, AZ

    Welcome to the Titleist Freaks club.  I'm Titleist throughout the bag also.  It's good to know there are so many of us with the same insane appreciation of a product.



  5. J.D.

    Fayetteville, Arkansas

    I am also a Titleist freak!! Everything in my bag is Titleist except, ironically, my bag. That will be my next purchase but it might be awhile!!

  6. Dave K 21

    Dave K 21
    Port Saint Lucie, FL

    Dustin be safe where ever you are, Thank you for your service to our Great Land!!!

  7. owen p

    owen p
    marblehead, MA

    I am also a Titleist fanatic! They make the best quality everything and have the best customer service and customer quality. Titleist is awesome!
  8. Deno

    New Jersey


    Hey Dave

    Your in good company here.  The man cave is a good place to hang the "Titleist Country" banner.  Keeps peace on the homefront..lol


  9. David L

    David L
    fort collins, CO

    The only thing that I play with that isn't Titleist is my driver. It will be a few months before I can pick up a 910D2. I love playing the best equipment on the market and I know Titleist is #1. It's great to have a place to talk to others who love Titleist as much as I do!

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