Green Committee - experiences

Follow Thread

By TBonnett

  • 5 Replies
  1. TBonnett


    Anyone have any insights on their experience as being a member of their club's Green Committee? I am joining and look forward to having a positive influence on the club and course. Our club is corporate owned and is not an equity membership so it will be a bit different than typical. Looking forward to any feedback. I suspect there are good stories out there of people's experiences.

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  2. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    Good on's important to be involved in the day-to-day operations of your club, if it's possible. As a corporate owned facility, I'm sure on property management will take your input to the people who could make the actual decisions. You just need to be open that ultimately, the decision is out of your committee's hands, which could be frustrating. Good luck!
  3. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Huh? The last 2 clubs I was a member of had owners. They would take suggestions but in the end, they decided on course improvements and if there would be a capital requirement and if there would be a non refundable initiation fee and what the dues would be and any other fees I guess the advantage was I would not be directly involved in any legal issues against the club.
  4. Les M

    Les M

    Support the greenskeeper and their staff. It is a difficult job they do.
  5. TBonnett


    Absolutely! My dad was a superintendent, and I grew up around his shop.
  6. Les M

    Les M


    TBonnett said:

    Absolutely! My dad was a superintendent, and I grew up around his shop.

    Fantastic! All the best in your season!

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