And the exciting news keeps coming... Welcome Kira Dixon to Team Titleist!

Follow Thread

By Mike D., Titleist Staff

  • 14 Replies
  1. Team Titleist Staff

    In case you missed it... Kira Dixon is one of our newest members of Team Titleist! We're beyond excited to welcome Kira to the family and can't wait to share what we have in store!

    So make sure you welcome Kira and go give her a follow.

  2. Mike M

    Mike M
    Marblehead MA

    Welcome Kira.
  3. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    Let's get all these new TT members a TT bag tag. Welcome to Team Titleist!
  4. Dino S

    Dino S

    Awesome! Welcome Kira!
  5. Frank P

    Frank P
    Port St. Lucie, FL

    Welcome to Team Titleist, Kira.
  6. Todd T

    Todd T
    San Diego, CA

    Welcome aboard....!
  7. Manny A

    Manny A
    Staten Island, NY

    Welcome Kira!!!!
  8. BHershman

    Palm Beaches

    Follow her on IG and saw her announcement. Nice.
  9. David B

    David B
    Royal Oak, MI

    Wonderful! We need more female voices in the game
  10. Rob R

    Rob R
    Chicago, IL

    The Titleist team gets better all the time.

  11. Military
    Welcome Kira
  12. Brian C

    Brian C
    Cincinnati, OH

    Great addition!
  13. JESUS D

    Dripping Springs, TX

    Welcome! Love Kira
  14. Jonathan Smith

    Jonathan Smith
    Charlotte, NC

    She is the best!
  15. golfinnut

    Leesburg, VA

    Welcome to TT, Kira! Great to have you

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