Titleist towel

Follow Thread

By Paul S

  • 4 Replies
  1. Paul S

    Paul S
    Lakewood, IL

    I was t a tournament a couple days ago and saw a Titleist towel that is like what some of the pros have. Is there any way of getting one?
  2. dillon k

    dillon k
    marina del Rey, CA

    Try going on Vokey or Scotty Cameron.com

  3. Austin M

    Austin M
    valley Mills, TX

    Go to your local pro shop, I found a really big one the other day
  4. Team Titleist Staff

    paul s said:

    I was t a tournament a couple days ago and saw a Titleist towel that is like what some of the pros have. Is there any way of getting one?

    Hi Paul,

    Did you check out our accessories section to look at the current line-up of towels? Here is a link:


    As for the towel you saw at the tournament, do you have anymore detail you can provide? We haven't had a white towel, similar to the ones most pros are using on tour, in more than 8 years, so it may have been a classic. 

  5. Paul S

    Paul S
    Lakewood, IL

    It just a long towel like a bath towel that said Titleist a couple of times on it. It's just a plain white towel

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