
Follow Thread

By Dewayne G

  • 5 Replies
  1. Dewayne G

    Dewayne G
    Calhoun, GA

    Hello i was just wondring if anyone out there can help me with a problem i am running in to i have just purchased they ap2 titleist irons about 4 months ago and i really love them but i am having a problem with the 9 thru w irons sometimes it will take a hard right and i have no idea why it is doing this or what i am doing wrong please someone help Thanks
  2. Geoffrey  B

    Geoffrey B
    Celina, OH

    your either hitting on the toe, or twisting the shaft. Check your grip and allignment before swinging

  3. Doug L

    Doug L
    Broken Arrow, OK

    Toe shots don't go straight right. You are hitting it on the hozzle. Try moving back from the ball some and also make sure you aren't coming hard over the top. I sometimes get too steep on my short irons and come over the top creating the shanks you mention. My PGA instructor has been helping me alleviate those issues. Hope this helps.
  4. Dewayne G

    Dewayne G
    Calhoun, GA

    Thanks so much i will check that
  5. Dewayne G

    Dewayne G
    Calhoun, GA

    Thanks so much i will try that
  6. Dana P

    Dana P
    Madison, WI

    I find when I'm hitting it in all directions it's because I'm not keeping my eye on the ball.  A few swings of just staring a hold through the ball tends to help me.

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