Accuracy Begins with Alignment

3 min
Added on July 01, 2021
Have you ever been told, after you've hit a poor shot, that the golf ball went right where you were aiming? Alignment – how you orient the club and your body as you stand to the ball – is a key fundamental of the golf swing. Unfortunately, it's also very easy for alignment to get out of whack. Because you stand to the side of the ball, your perception can get skewed. As you look at your target, head tilted, eyes not directly over the ball, it's easy to feel that you're not lined up right and to... start adjusting your stance and aim to what feels comfortable. Don't trust this feeling from the side of the ball!

As Titleist staff member Mark Blackburn demonstrates in this video, the only way to establish an accurate line to your target is from directly behind the golf ball. Once you have this line sorted out, align your club face and body relative to the target line. Use two alignment rods to create Mark's parallel-left "railroad tracks" or, as Mark shows, two club shafts will work just as well. This will allow you to set up with consistent, neutral alignment. From here, a good swing will send the ball flying straight to your target.

As you advance and get comfortable with neutral alignment, you can start to experiment. By aligning a little right of your target (for a right-handed golfer), with the club face closed to your swing path, you'll be able to shape shots that start to the right of your target and curve back to left (a draw). Align a little left with the club face open to your swing path and you'll start hitting effective fades (shots that start left and curve back to the right). Whether you want to work the ball or hit it dead straight, accurate shots always start with proper alignment. So remember, every time you practice, practice alignment. Your'll hit more consistent, accurate shots and you'll see the results in your scores!
Have you ever been told, after you've hit a poor shot, that the golf ball went right where you were aiming? Alignment – how you orient the club and your body as you stand to the ball – is a ... key fundamental of the golf swing. Unfortunately, it's also very easy for alignment to get out of whack. Because you stand to the side of the ball, your perception can get skewed. As you look at your target, head tilted, eyes not directly over the ball, it's easy to feel that you're not lined up right and to start adjusting your stance and aim to what feels comfortable. Don't trust this feeling from the side of the ball!

As Titleist staff member Mark Blackburn demonstrates in this video, the only way to establish an accurate line to your target is from directly behind the golf ball. Once you have this line sorted out, align your club face and body relative to the target line. Use two alignment rods to create Mark's parallel-left "railroad tracks" or, as Mark shows, two club shafts will work just as well. This will allow you to set up with consistent, neutral alignment. From here, a good swing will send the ball flying straight to your target.

As you advance and get comfortable with neutral alignment, you can start to experiment. By aligning a little right of your target (for a right-handed golfer), with the club face closed to your swing path, you'll be able to shape shots that start to the right of your target and curve back to left (a draw). Align a little left with the club face open to your swing path and you'll start hitting effective fades (shots that start left and curve back to the right). Whether you want to work the ball or hit it dead straight, accurate shots always start with proper alignment. So remember, every time you practice, practice alignment. Your'll hit more consistent, accurate shots and you'll see the results in your scores!


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  5. Dr. Mo Pickens
  6. Matt Leach
  7. Matthew Johns
  8. Sophie Walker
  9. Cameron McCormick
  10. James Sieckmann
  11. Mark Blackburn
  12. Michael Breed
  13. Trillium Rose
  14. Jonathan Yarwood
  15. Dave Phillips
  16. Brandon Stooksbury
  17. Justin Parsons
  18. Layne Savoie
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  20. Dr. Greg Rose
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  4. Anti-hook
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  6. Alignment
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  10. Consistency
  11. Distance Control
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