The Importance of Finding the Sweet Spot

2 min
Added on May 25, 2021
One of the most frequently overlooked ingredients to hitting quality golf shots is center-face contact. The location on the face of the club where you contact the golf ball is critically important. Yes, today's golf clubs are much more forgiving than they used to be, but shots hit out of the center of the face are still significantly more powerful and accurate than those hit mere millimeters from the sweet spot. Missing the center of the face is the equivalent of nubbing a baseball off the end... of the bat or volleying a tennis ball off the racket frame instead of the strings.

The good news is that center face contact is a skill that you can build and in this video, Titleist staff member Trillium Rose details some common pitfalls to avoid as you begin to work on this ball striking fundamental.

Give Trillium's pointers a try and see how improving the quality of your contact will instantly boost the zip and consistency of all your golf shots.
One of the most frequently overlooked ingredients to hitting quality golf shots is center-face contact. The location on the face of the club where you contact the golf ball is critically ... important. Yes, today's golf clubs are much more forgiving than they used to be, but shots hit out of the center of the face are still significantly more powerful and accurate than those hit mere millimeters from the sweet spot. Missing the center of the face is the equivalent of nubbing a baseball off the end of the bat or volleying a tennis ball off the racket frame instead of the strings.

The good news is that center face contact is a skill that you can build and in this video, Titleist staff member Trillium Rose details some common pitfalls to avoid as you begin to work on this ball striking fundamental.

Give Trillium's pointers a try and see how improving the quality of your contact will instantly boost the zip and consistency of all your golf shots.


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  1. Instructor
  2. Alex Buckner
  3. Brad Faxon
  4. Dan Whittaker
  5. Dr. Mo Pickens
  6. Matt Leach
  7. Matthew Johns
  8. Sophie Walker
  9. Cameron McCormick
  10. James Sieckmann
  11. Mark Blackburn
  12. Michael Breed
  13. Trillium Rose
  14. Jonathan Yarwood
  15. Dave Phillips
  16. Brandon Stooksbury
  17. Justin Parsons
  18. Layne Savoie
  19. Dr. Rob Neal
  20. Dr. Greg Rose
  21. Skip Guss
  22. Jason Baile
  23. John Kostis
  24. Jennifer Hudson
  25. Ryan Hager
  26. Corey Lundberg
  27. Tom Patri
  1. Drill
  2. Fundamentals
  3. Shot Shaping
  4. Anti-hook
  5. Anti-slice
  6. Alignment
  7. Tight Lie
  8. Long Rough
  9. Bunker Play
  10. Consistency
  11. Distance Control
  12. Trajectory
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