Fix Your Swing Mid-Round

1 min
Added on March 22, 2022
We've all had days on the course where our swing abandon us. The swing key that worked so well the last time you played – or even during the first few holes of your present round – loses it magic. The golf ball starts to fly and curve offline with every shot. Inexplicably, you might hit it off the toe. Or off the heel. Fat and thin shots, even tops can creep in. It's a desperate feeling when you lose your swing, but as Titleist staff member Trillium Rose shares in this video, the worst thing you... can do is to THINK. Instead, FEEL your way back to the good swing you know you're capable of.

Analytic thinking has its place – during instruction and on the practice tee, for example. But during a round, you need to clear your mind and let your swing happen. Cognitive thinking too often becomes negative thinking and that breeds anxiety, tension and frustration – a fatal combination when it comes to performance. Instead, use a simple drill like the one Trillium demonstrates here for the common issue of losing posture and jumping out of shots. By focusing on a specific feel, your body will respond and your mind will remain calm. On your next shot, simply reproduce the feel of your drill and your swing will get right back on track!
We've all had days on the course where our swing abandon us. The swing key that worked so well the last time you played – or even during the first few holes of your present round – loses it ... magic. The golf ball starts to fly and curve offline with every shot. Inexplicably, you might hit it off the toe. Or off the heel. Fat and thin shots, even tops can creep in. It's a desperate feeling when you lose your swing, but as Titleist staff member Trillium Rose shares in this video, the worst thing you can do is to THINK. Instead, FEEL your way back to the good swing you know you're capable of.

Analytic thinking has its place – during instruction and on the practice tee, for example. But during a round, you need to clear your mind and let your swing happen. Cognitive thinking too often becomes negative thinking and that breeds anxiety, tension and frustration – a fatal combination when it comes to performance. Instead, use a simple drill like the one Trillium demonstrates here for the common issue of losing posture and jumping out of shots. By focusing on a specific feel, your body will respond and your mind will remain calm. On your next shot, simply reproduce the feel of your drill and your swing will get right back on track!


415 Videos

  1. Categories
  2. Long Game
  3. Iron Game
  4. Wedge Game
  5. Putting
  6. Course Strategy
  7. Golf Fitness
  8. At Home
  1. Instructor
  2. Brad Faxon
  3. Dr. Mo Pickens
  4. Cameron McCormick
  5. James Sieckmann
  6. Mark Blackburn
  7. Michael Breed
  8. Trillium Rose
  9. Jonathan Yarwood
  10. Dave Phillips
  11. Brandon Stooksbury
  12. Justin Parsons
  13. Layne Savoie
  14. Dr. Rob Neal
  15. Dr. Greg Rose
  16. Skip Guss
  17. Jason Baile
  18. John Kostis
  19. Jennifer Hudson
  20. Ryan Hager
  21. Corey Lundberg
  22. Tom Patri
  1. Drill
  2. Fundamentals
  3. Shot Shaping
  4. Anti-hook
  5. Anti-slice
  6. Alignment
  7. Tight Lie
  8. Long Rough
  9. Bunker Play
  10. Consistency
  11. Distance Control
  12. Trajectory
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