Loyalty Rewarded - Pro V's

Follow Thread

By Dino J

  • 2 Replies
  1. Dino J

    Dino J
    Burnaby, BC

    Hi everyone! Our friend Darius, in another thread mentioned that he saw the ads for the Loyalty Program at Golftown. Well, I just went yesterday and placed my order for 3 dozen personalized golf balls!

    I ordered the Pro V1x balls -- this has been my ball of choice the past two seasons and I am not regretting it one iota -- except in the winter months when I lose on that plugged in soft turf and I cannot find it! :-) ... but that is another story!

    So I ordered mine to come with the double digit number of "68" with the following phrase: "Be Relaxed, Stay Focused and Enjoy Yourself" (spread out on the three lines)

    I chose "68" -- in the hopes that one day I may shoot that score on a full size Par 70, 71, or 72 course!! (Can't blame someone for a little daydreaming and fanciful optimism, right?)

    Has anyone else ordered their set? If so, what did you choose for numbers, customization, etc.? OR if you were to place an ordered, what would you choose?

  2. Stephen F

    Stephen F
    Belleville Ontario, ON

    Hey Dino,
    Ordered my ProV1's on Sunday. My play number is 65 (the sum of my three kids' birthdays, and the personalized part is FLEETER (my nickname - my last name is Fleet). Can't wait to get them and tee one up!!!!
  3. Darius V

    Darius V
    Barrie, ON

    How about "I'm Yours Now"
    After all, nobody ever returns a lost ball to the owner :)

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