New T-150s arrived

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By aaron y

  • 1 Reply
  1. Started golfing a few years ago and shortly thereafter was fit with P-790s…served me well for my goals at the time I.e. A 20-25 handicap who wanted something to “grow into,” so to speak.

    Happily picked up my new T-150s today - as my ball striking has improved, both in the fitting and on the range today, I’m getting tighter dispersion and much higher spin to better hold greens with the new irons.

    The fitting organized by my local club was great. We even identified a positive grip change - moved to mid-size…no idea how I played with standard before now. Also made a shaft change to stiff as I’ve lost some speed post-shoulder injury last season) so I’m really excited to both play and practice with these new clubs (added a new Scotty and TSR2+ 13 degree as well) towards achieving my 2024 season goals, best of luck to everyone else.


  2. wow....good luck.....a 25 HDCP with the 150's....hope you like them and it works out for you

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