Kevin Fertel - Hole-in-One

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By kevin f

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  1. It was a beautiful day in Naples Florida. 75 degrees and sunny. I was playing with a few of my older friends, Dennis, Jerry, and Jacq. We were having a great time. When we got to the 8th hole at Vasari Country Club, I said out loud- “we have played so many golf holes together but nobody in our group has ever made a hole-in-one!!“ The hole was playing 191 yards into a little breeze, I took 4 iron. The ball landed about 10 feet right of the pin, took the slope, and disappeared!! In all honesty I thought I may have been over the green but the adrenaline inside my body told me I may have put it in. Dennis drove up to the green and someone from one of the apartments told him they watched it go in. Dennis started yelling “Kevin jump in the lake!!!!!” It was incredible!! I was a little nervous about the water moccasins but I think I would’ve been able to take a alligator any day!! Regardless, I didn’t jump into the lake (my only regret). I used a ProV1X #3 with the enhanced alignment and my trusty 712 Ap2’s that I have had for about nine years. One of the best moments of my life!! Dennis was about 6 feet on the same line, however, I was 6 feet inside of him!! It was an incredible shot with incredible people! Something I will never forget!!!!
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