Hole in One

Follow Thread

By David V

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  1. I live in Myrtle Beach. I was playing Arcadian Shores Golf club. Hole number 2 is a par 3 over water and is all carry. We were debating the length, for it was cold and windy. The hole was 145 and I decided to take my 165 club. It is a 9 wood. When I hit it I said man that felt pure. It was really high and we all stood there. It was right at it, but was the distance right? It hit the green by the pin and all of the sudden the ball was gone. I yelled did that go in???? They all said yes. After a lot of high 5s and yelling we drove up and it was indeed in the hole. 1 bounce and in. 100 dollars in drinks later I was delerious with joy. I used the only ball I play with. The Titleist AVX.

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  2. EddietheKarp


    Excellent shot, David! Congratulations

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