Loyalty Rewarded

Follow Thread

By MattH

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  • 10 Replies
  1. MattH

    Peterborough, England

    Hi All

    Does anyone know if/when Titleist will be running the Loyalty Rewarded promotion this year please?

  2. Jacko123


    Was told it was pushed back to April to give golfers the chance to try both new balls on the course should they want to before committing to 4 dozen! Not sure exact date but it's coming!
  3. MattH

    Peterborough, England

    Thanks. I was hoping to have the new balls in time for the restart. I’m in a fourball comp on Good Friday and the first club major is always the same weekend as the Masters (except last year of course)
  4. Ricky F

    Ricky F

    Early April, I have an order in with my club pro already.
  5. Already available in US until 18th April.
  6. Padraig G

    Padraig G

    Quick followup - Does that Loyalty ball purchase come to UK around the same time as US or how does the timeline generally differ?
  7. I get e-mails from the Golf Channel in the states and got an e-mail this week that they have started it in the states with the 4 for 3 promotion (Golf Channel using golfballs.com partner), offer valid between 18th March and 18th April 2021, with delivery from 12th April onwards. I'm guessing it not be long until we start seeing things promoting it in the UK.
  8. First website I've seen advertising it UK golf academy but their website isnt setup yet to take the order.

    Running 17th April 2021 to 14th May 2021, pro v prov1x and avx.

    Would image the main websites will start advertising next week. Possibly waiting until golf restarts on Monday.
  9. MattH

    Peterborough, England

    Well it’s here and I’ve already put my order in. I hope delivery doesn’t take too long, the way I played this morning I’ll be needing them very soon!
  10. Wabinez

    Norfolk, UK

    Got mine ordered early Saturday - went for the ‘ammo box’ rather than the personalised ones.

    Got an estimated shipping date of 28 April
  11. MattH

    Peterborough, England

    They’re here!!! I can’t wait to get out and try these beauties.

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