Body Connection to The Slice
2 minOne of the most common swing issues that Dave and Greg see is The Slice – a shot that curves excessively from left-to-right (for a right-handed player). If you've struggled with a slice you've probably tried any number of remedies, but as Greg shares in this video, it may not be your technique, per se. Your slice may be caused by a physical limitation that doesn't allow you to start the downswing with your lower body.
This physical limitation is extremely common, but the good news is that the problem is treatable. The key is learning how to dissociate the rotation of your hips from the rotation of your upper body. If you can't separate the two, you're doomed to start the downswing with your upper body. This invariably causes an out-to-in swing path, a glancing blow and a big sweeping slice. But with a little work using Greg's drill to train the independent rotation of your pelvis, your swing will fall naturally into place. You'll be able to swing in-to-out, square the clubface and even hit that baby raw you've always craved.